Make your office supplies more Eco-friendly!


We’re going green, to help your company!

Going green has become a top priority for many businesses and individuals in recent years. With increasing concerns about the environment and the impact of plastic waste, it's more important than ever to choose eco-friendly products that are sustainable and recyclable. Here at Lesar, we're proud to offer a range of eco-friendly products, including lanyards and ID cards, that are designed with sustainability in mind.

Eco-Friendly Lanyards.

Our eco-friendly lanyards are made from a variety of recycled materials. By choosing our lanyards, you can reduce your environmental impact and promote sustainable practices in your workplace or event.

Eco-friendly ID card.

In addition to our eco-friendly lanyards, we also offer a range of sustainable and eco-friendly ID cards. These cards are made from recycled PVC, which is a type of plastic that can be recycled in the UK. This material is strong durable, and has a low carbon footprint, making it an ideal choice for businesses and organisations that want to reduce their environmental impact.

Recyclable Materials.

At Lesar, we're committed to using recyclable materials wherever possible. We understand that recycling can be confusing, so we've put together a handy guide to help you understand what plastics are recyclable in the UK. Some of the plastics that can be recycled include PET, HDPE, and PVC. By using these materials in our products, we're able to minimise our environmental impact and promote sustainable practices.

Why Choose Eco-Friendly Products?

There are many benefits to choosing eco-friendly products like our lanyards and ID cards. First and foremost, these products are made from sustainable materials that have a lower environmental impact than traditional plastics. Additionally, by choosing eco-friendly products, you can promote sustainable practices in your workplace or event and show your commitment to environmental stewardship.

In conclusion, if you're looking for eco-friendly lanyards and ID cards that are made from recyclable materials, look no further than Lesar. Our products are designed to promote sustainability and reduce our environmental impact, so you can feel good about your purchase. Contact us today to learn more!

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