Tips for taking a great ID Card photo

Having your picture taken can be an uncomfortable experience for many of us, and when it comes to an ID badge, companies often require it to be displayed for everyone to see. At Lesar UK, we understand the importance of a great ID badge photo, which is why we have put together some tips and tricks to help you achieve a professional and polished look.


The top half of your body is the only thing that will be seen in your ID badge photo, so it's essential to wear a shirt that is flattering. Avoid bright colours, neutrals, and distracting patterns that are likely to wash you out in the fluorescent lighting of most offices. Darker shades of blue, green, grey, burgundy, or black, do well at highlighting your face and flatter most skin tones. Softer colours like lilac, soft blue, or yellow add brightness to your face and are attractive for a lot of darker skin tones.


Ensure your hair is neatly styled and out of your face. Wear your hair in a style that is typical for you – not something special or unique just for that day. This is not the day to experiment with a new hairstyle because trying something unnatural increases your chances of a hair disaster. If your hair is longer, be sure to place it evenly on both shoulders, allowing it to frame your face.


Relax your face and smile slightly. Try to avoid forcing a smile and looking tense or smiling too little and looking unhappy. This picture may be around for a while, and you want to look as friendly as possible. Practice in the mirror if you need to see what works for you!


Find an area with enough space for a comfortable photo. We recommend a solid coloured background, such as a neutral, blue, or green, as it provides a good contrast for all skin tones.


Good lighting is key to a good photo. If natural lighting is not available, consider using a camera with a flash.


Be sure the subject is positioned so their head and shoulders are framed in the photo and they are looking straight at the camera. You may need to adjust the camera height as necessary with each person. An adjustable tripod can help ensure stability and a flattering angle when taking photos.


Check to see if you are satisfied with your picture before it is printed. Sometimes it takes more than one shot to get the perfect picture, so don’t be afraid to take another and try again.

Wear it Proudly

If your organisation requires employees or students to visibly display ID badges, Lesar UK can help. We offer a range of accessories such as badge holders, custom lanyards, and badge reels that are useful for protecting, wearing, and displaying your ID badge. These accessories can even be customised with your organisation’s colors, logo, and name for a more personalized and professional look.

If you're interested in learning more about how Lesar UK can help you capture the perfect ID badge photo, contact our team today at 0333 7000 123 or click here.

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