Top 10 ways to improve business security for 2023

In today's digital world, business security is of utmost importance. The use of the internet and the introduction of new technologies has made it easier to share information with people all over the world and put yourself out there. However, these new technologies also make it easier for hackers to access your data and steal your information, or physically break into your building. Businesses need to be secure in order to protect their assets and avoid any potential risks. Security is important for both the company and the customers.

Successful businesses are always looking for ways to improve their security. Luckily, there are many ways to increase security in a given area. From Secure Access control systems, to ID Cards and accessories, this guide has got you covered!

1) Integrate a Secure Access Control System with your doors windows and locks.

Commercial grade locks are essential for business security systems. Reinforced doors and windows will prove more effective in the event of a break-in, as well as an access control keypad. Additionally, you should ensure that your Access control door systems is up to date. A secure access control system for your access controlled doors. We’re Paxton access control installers at a “gold” level and are more than happy to help with installation!

2) Invest in ID Cards or Fobs for your employees.

Access control cards prevent against breaches, control who enters and to monitor permissions. Our team of experts recommend PAC, HID or MIFARE. This will significantly improve office security. Additionally, you can include ID Card holders and Lanyards. For convenience, branding and easier identi­fica­tion. ID Card printers are expensive and require regular maintenance, so it's not surprising that some people simply just don't have the time or money. We print ID Cards so you don’t have to! And with CardHero's pay in bulk, order when needed feature, you can have as many different designs (created by us if needed) and order them whenever you need.

3) Shred your printer ribbons before disposing of them

If you print your ID Cards yourself, it’s imperative that printer ribbons are disposed of correctly. After printing ID Cards, the ribbon will show personal details. Shred the documents into tiny pieces and protect your company and employee information. If you don't print your own ID Cards, be sure that the company printing them disposes correctly of their ribbons. If you use CardHero / Lesar, you can rest easy! We correctly dispose of all ribbons and are completely GDPR compliant. Alternatively, you can purchase a ribbon shredder here. It's the only current ID card printer ribbon shredder available in the UK and is compatible with all ID card printer ribbon manufacturers.

4) Enable two factor authentication

This is a security measure that requires two steps to authenticate a user. The first step is the username or email address and password, but the second step requires something only the user has on them; usually their mobile phone. This makes it much harder for hackers to break into someone’s account because they would need both your username/email address and your phone.

5) Install Alarms

Companies that are looking for more security should install alarms at all entrances, exits, and windows so that no one can enter without permission. Alarms are a great way to deter burglars from entering your property. An alarm can be installed within buildings or external areas in order to provide additional security. These alarms are often linked up with a monitoring centre so that they can contact emergency services if necessary.

6) Employees follow remote work policies

Employees should follow remote work policies because it helps prevent employees from feeling alienated and ensuring they use the same communication methods as well as keeping the organisation running smoothly. VPNs are also another way to increase security because they encrypt all data that passes through them which makes it harder for hackers trying to steal information from your network, especially when working from home on a network that may not be as protected.

7) Use a password vault & Encrypt all data

Using a password vault is another way to keep your data safe. It is important that you use different passwords for each account and make sure that they are strong passwords with numbers, symbols and capital letters. Additionally, you should check the history, reputation and security features of the password vault you’re using. Encrypting all of your devices will ensure that your data is safe even if it is lost or stolen. Encrypting also means that hackers won't be able to access the information on the device even if they do manage to break in somehow.

8) Train employees in security principles

Train employees in security principles: You should also train all employees on how to maintain security within their work environment so that they are aware of potential threats and how to best protect themselves. This is also important for defending your company against phishing attacks and scammers. Notifying the company whenever you notice one, regularly reminding employees of the signs of fake emails, and asking if theres any doubt are all great ways to stay protected and ahead.

9) Parking permits to control car park

Parking permits are issued to the people who have been given permission for parking in a particular area. They are usually given on a temporary basis, ranging from annually to daily, and they can be revoked if the person doesn't follow parking rules. We offer bespoke parking permits, completely personalised to you!

10) Visitor management system

A visitor management system is a software that manages who enters and leaves an office. It is often used in large organisations, such as hospitals and schools, which need to ensure safety and security of their employees and students. However, services that offer scalable solutions are also ideal for small organisations. Be sure to compare the features, support and how regularly the system is updated. Our team of experts recommend ProVisit for the quality support, scalability and their completely free demos.

For any additional tips, questions or enquiries, you can contact us at 0333 7000 123 or [email protected]

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